Real-time Alerts

Why stress over your properties? Simply add them here
and recieve realtime-alerts .

Real-time Alerts

Why stress over your properties, Simply add them here,
and recieve realtime-alerts .

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Your one-stop source for up-to-date information
on 311 notifications for properties in New York City.

Our mission is to equip real estate professionals and property owners with the most accurate and current information on 311 complaints and violations for properties in the five boroughs. Understanding the complexity of staying current with 311 alerts, we are dedicated to making the access to this essential information as easy and convenient as possible. In line with this commitment, we proudly offer both HPD and 311 Realtime alerts as integral parts of our services. These alerts ensure immediate notifications, keeping you informed about the latest updates in real-time. Our website, designed for ease of use and seamless navigation, facilitates efficient access to these critical alerts. By offering both HPD and 311 Realtime alerts, our goal is to remove the hassle of monitoring 311 complaints and violations, enabling you to manage your property with greater ease and effectiveness.

Quick Support

If you need prompt technical assistance, our team is avalible 24/7 to assist you.

Card Payments

Simply add your credit card and pay the actual amount; there are no hidden fees.

Easily Manage

It takes just three easy steps, You simply create an account, select a plan and add properties.

Choose One of

Our Best Pricing Plans

Try one of the following prices but do not worry you can always upgrade your subscription and
add more properties we offer the most reasonable price in the market.

Basic Monthly Plan

$0 /m/property

After 1 year $8 /m/property

Property: 1

Email Support: yes

Whatsapp Support: yes

Get Started

Basic Yearly Plan

$0 /y/property

After 1 year $88 /y/property

Property: 1

Email Support: yes

Whatsapp Support: yes

Get Started

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General Query

If you have a general query about our services you can simply fill the form below.
If you have any problems regarding your account, you can create a ticket by clicking here.

You can download 311alert from app store and google play

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